After some bike fixing, pizza for breakfast and Jo really hurting herself falling down the stairs some very tired bodies plus two fresh pace makers set off to Landsend!!
The hill out of Bude was the first test of the day for most. The normal warm up 10 miles went on for ever as were faced with continuous undulating hills.
After 50 miles, and the going getting lighter after the initial hills, we reached Truro in a surprisingly short amount of time. We stopped for our normal self made sandwich lunch which we ate whilst chatting to other JOGLE-ers who were doing over 12 days and supported!!
Once again some hideous hills had to be climbed coming out of truro however once on the A30 we made rapid progress where we averaged +20 mph.
Penzance couldn't have been reached sooner and the first
signpost listing Landsend was met with a cheer from all.
Hills observer out of Penzance were not fun inthe slightest! The road just went constantly up and down and even the adrenaline of finishing our mission could ease the pain during the remaining 10 miles to Landend.
However the last 2 or miles were much easier and all 7 of us grouped together for one final time to ride in together.
We came into Landsend to cheers from our supporters and one final check of the speedometer calculated total miles of 917 (115 miles per day average). We then found the famous lamppost although a second grumpy man didn't allow us to stand next to it and take a photo - instead we had to stand the other side of the fence!!
A picnic and very strong cider then followed very kindly provided by Toms parents.
We then sadly parted ways not really beliving what we have just acheived.
All in all it was a fantastic experience, although tough at times, but the strong team we had pulled us through. It's going to be bizarre adjusting to life apart.
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